Luchador "Tembler" Shiraz
There you are, inspecting the wine list at the delicious spot or bar you are calling home for the next few hours. You want something light, not too expensive, and after not trying to think about it for too long, because there is lots to talk about with your friends, you just go with the house Shiraz. Well that is exactly how I fell upon something that is EXTREMELY tasty and one of my new favorites, Luchador.
Luchador, a South Australian Barossa Shiraz from the R Wines winery, will blow you away or as they put it will, "Slam your tongue!" For $15 a bottle in a wine store, and anywhere from $25-30 in a restaurant it can be yours. This appealing label of a Luchador (Mexican matador) isn't just a cool marketing trick to get an impulse buyer (that's me) to throw another bottle in the basket. This wine delivers with a 90 point rating from The Wine Advocate. What specifically about the taste is appealing? Wine. com says that is it, "Lifted [with] ripe blackberry jam and kirsch aromas, complexed with oak chocolate characters. The palate has a rich smooth texture of black fruit and plums finishing with licorice and soft tannins." Now, I personally don't find myself running to this wine after a review with all the talk of blackberry jams and licorice tastes, but for us common folk, focus on the aspects of the rich smooth texture part. It's easy enough to drink on an afternoon with friends, but has enough pizzazz to pair it with anything from a cheeseburger to chicken salad.

This just puts a twinkle in our eye.
The stylish and hilarious Luchador label was designed by Morning Breath and they don’t disappoint. Now, if you are like a good friend of mine, Collins Speed, who has been burned by buying wine that has a "cool label" to find the actual wine horrible- don't worry this label isn't hiding a non-palatable grape juice. It is the cherry on top of a delicious burst in your mouth!
Since it’s harder to see, this is what the back says:
function: noun. Usage: Spanish word.
1)fighter 2)wrestler 3) a wine that will body
Tremblor* is proud to have been Client #10, is addicted
to dumplings, and belongs to the Rosicrcian Order.
He hates leprechauns and biting his cheek.
(*Tremblor the name of the particular Luchador featured on the label of this bottle.)
So, now I raise the question- why wouldn't you, in your home, want have something that tastes amazing, is the right price, and adds a little something extra for the eye to enjoy? You've spent time laboring on other areas of your home that makes it gorgeous and yours, why not invest in something more than that quick yellowtail purchase at the store. You know.. wine doesn't go bad. Not to mention if you buy a case, you'll save anywhere from 10-20%.
Therefore, friends, the Nabors/Rosen household is pleased to announce our very first house wine, the Luchador. A case has been ordered and we look forward to having you over and enjoying a glass together because who doesn't want a wine that will slam your tongue and put a twinkle in your eye.
Enjoying a bottle of Luchador