So why not adorn a spot in your home with this uplifting phrase.
You can get an easy to wall vinyl sticker if you need a piece that you can center your room around..
Or, personally I am in favor of the pillow and/or hand towels because my current spot is almost over decorated.
Sign of the Arrow- St. Louis, MO
Now that you have that extra pep in your step after looking at your inspirational phrase, you may need a little ying to your yang. Being from the South, I must say that for better or worse, I strive to constantly be in touch with the people around me. This means at times, I must remember not to cross the line into "gaudy gossip". This is not to be confused with "graceful gossip", because graceful gossip is a form of endearment. So I've found this other phrase as a reminder to keep the gaudy gossip at bay in this nifty retro print. What a great addition to a restroom... it looks at you one last time before you head out of the door.
And let's be honest, if Katy Perry loves the mantra.. I know I do. Shake that glitter and see y'all tomorrow!
do you know a safe place to order that pillow on line? i was going to buy it in the store in my home town ( a pretty deadplace in north norway) but when I was going to do it, they where all gone;( sincerly Silje