Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Keep Calm & Carry On - And Loose Lips may Sink Ships

What great sayings, right? They were actually sayings coined by the British government pre-WWII to raise morale of the British public in case of invasion, but they have meanings that transcends the 1930's. Who doesn't need to be reminded that it's going to be ok.. keep on going. And sometimes, less gossiping is more.

So why not adorn a spot in your home with this uplifting phrase.

You can get an easy to wall vinyl sticker if you need a piece that you can center your room around..


Or, personally I am in favor of the pillow and/or hand towels because my current spot is almost over decorated.


Sign of the Arrow- St. Louis, MO

Now that you have that extra pep in your step after looking at your inspirational phrase,  you may need a little ying to your yang. Being from the South, I must say that for better or worse, I strive to constantly be in touch with the people around me. This means at times, I must remember not to cross the line into "gaudy gossip". This is not to be confused with "graceful gossip", because graceful gossip is a form of endearment. So I've found this other phrase as a reminder to keep the gaudy gossip at bay in this nifty retro print. What a great addition to a restroom... it  looks at you one last time before you head out of the door.

And let's be honest, if Katy Perry loves the mantra.. I know I do. Shake that glitter and see y'all tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. do you know a safe place to order that pillow on line? i was going to buy it in the store in my home town ( a pretty deadplace in north norway) but when I was going to do it, they where all gone;( sincerly Silje
